The Center on the Hill is OPEN Monday- Friday 9am-5pm with all our practices and protocols in place including (sanitation practices, limited number of participants per class, social distancing, and UV air filters).
The Center will be CLOSED on Monday February 17th for Presidents Day.
Inclement Weather: If you are not sure if the Center is open due to inclement weather please call 215-247-4654. A Message will be left on the Center Voicemail at 8:30am that day if we are closed. (If you get the regular Center message then the Center is open).
THE WINTER NEWSLETTER HAS ARRIVED! Click HERE to view, download and print your copy today!
New Online Content is posted here daily Monday – Thursday at Noon. Fitness videos, lectures, games, and much more! CLICK HERE to view the schedule of daily postings.
Find helpful resources on our web page HERE . Updated regularly with important information and resource links you may need during this time.
To find more links and videos previously posted- CLICK HERE to visit our More Online Programming page where all our posts are archived for easy access.
Registration Required for all classes and events. CLICK HERE to Register Online or Contact 215-247-4654 or email: msaavedra@chestnuthillpres.org to register. Space in all activities is limited for social distancing.
FORUM ON THE HILL Thursday, February 13 12:30pm *Brown Bag Lunches welcome, light refreshments served. A $5 is donation requested. Speaker: Beth Kephart Topic: My Life in Paper Paper both shapes and defines us. Baby books, diaries, sewing patterns, diplomas, resumes, letters, death certificates—we find our stories in them. My Life in Paper is Beth Kephart’s memoiristic exploration of the paper legacies we forge and leave. Kephart’s obsession with paper began in the wake of her father’s death, when she began to handcraft books and make and marble paper in his memory. But it was when she read My Life with Paper, an autobiography by the late renowned paper hunter and historian Dard Hunter, that she felt she had found a kindred spirit, someone to whom she might address a series of one-sided letters about life and how we live it. This talk will be accompanied by a reading from My Life in Paper: Adventures in Ephemera.
TRIVIA Thursday, February 20 1:00pm- 2:00pm $2 Join us for entertaining games of Trivia this Winter at the Center. Give your brain a work out, learn something new, meet new people, and have a lot of fun! Prizes and refreshments provided!
COMMUNITY LUNCHEON Tuesday, February 25 12:00pm $12 Registration & Payment Required by Friday 2/21 REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE LUNCHEON OR THE DAY OF THE LUNCH, WILL BE CHARGED $15. Where else in the community can you go for lunch where you’ll see both familiar and new faces, where the atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming, where the food is consistently good, and where it only costs you twelve dollars? Our large room is full of round tables that are simply decorated and set with white linens and festive tableware. We’d love to see you there!
Did You See This? Put some pep in your step with this fun Zumba Gold Workout! Click HERE
Get in 1200 steps in 15 min with this great easy walking workout! Click HERE
Try some gentle boxing for strength and energy! Click HERE
Reminder: You can find more fitness links on our More Online Programming page HERE
Join our community Partner Emily Gavin for this great presentation about Changing Your Dementia Care Mindset! Click HERE
Lyn from 115 Travel returns for a Travel Talk about All Inclusive Vacations! Click HERE
Watch an learn about the importance of Sleep Habits from our Friend Jerri Kohut. Click HERE
More Lessons and Lectures from our instructors can be found on our More Online Programming Page– Click HERE
Learn to paint an easy and beautiful sunset with acrylic paint. Click HERE
Find out what the difference is between Art and Design in this Art History lecture. Click HERE
Learn to paint a beautiful mountain landscape with acrylic paints in this beginners tutorial. Click HERE
What can we learn from Public Art? Click HERE
More Art Lessons and Lectures can be found on our More Art Programs page- Click HERE
Did You See This? Ever wonder why the Carolina’s are divided into two states? Click HERE
The Baby Boomer generation has life skills most of people born after 1988 don’t understand because they have never had to use them. Watch an learn about them today. Click HERE
Learn about how the colonization of America happened. Click HERE
Did You See This? Leave the snow behind and visit New Zealand where it is Summer right now! Click HERE
Visit Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, today from home! Click HERE
Chanticleer Gardens is beautiful even when it is snow covered. Take a look. Click HERE
Want to take a walk in the beautiful snowy landscape without getting cold? Check out this winter virtual tour. Click HERE
NEW TODAY! Discover some life hacks worth remembering to make your tasks and projects easier! Click HERE
Try some fun indoor gardening projects this winter at home! Click HERE
New Year- new snacks! Try these healthy and easy to get or make snacks. Click HERE
Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel anytime by clicking HERE or visit our Facebook page (click HERE) for more links and to stay in touch!
To be added to our mailing list for bi-weekly emails or for more information, please contact Mariangela Saavedra, Director, at 215.247.4654 or msaavedra@chestnuthillpres.org.
For a complete list of programs, read the most recent issue of At the Center of Things, the newsletter of Center on the Hill. Download our latest newsletter of activities by [clicking here].