Staff Contacts
For information about membership at PCCH, please contact Ellen Williams Hensle at the church office or at
For pastoral care needs and information about congregational life: please contact please Ellen Williams Hensle at the church office or at
For assistance or to share a time of joy or sorrow, please click HERE to complete our Deacons Care Connection form.
For information about music and the arts at PCCH: Daniel Spratlan, Director of Music
For information about youth programs: Kate McGill Magid, Director of Youth Ministry,
For information about children’s education and youth choir: Julie Snyder, Director of Children’s Education/Director, Joyful Noise and Youth Choir,
For information about using the building or stewardship: Rachel Cline, Church Administrator
For information about the PCCH Pre-Kindergarten: Megan Cullen, Director of PCCH Preschool at 215.247.8865 or
For information about Center on the Hill … the place for active adults: Mariangela Saavedra, Director, Center on the Hill
For information about publications, advertising and communications: Mary Frommer, Office & Media Coordinator
For general information or to register for a program: Mary Frommer, Office & Media Coordinator
Felix Delgado, Sexton
Donna Marcial, Sunday Sexton
Rose Streets and Debbie Lambeth, Sunday Child Caregivers
Rick and Kathy Land, Mission workers – Haiti