A Commitment to the Arts
“We do not merely want to see beauty, though God knows even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words – to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.”
C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory
Throughout history the Church has been one of the primary centers for artists of all genres.
- Paintings, murals, sculpture and other works of art wrought by human hands
- Choral music from across the centuries and continents
- Drama and dance
- Poetry and prose.
The arts have the power to illuminate poignantly the Scriptures, inform our theology, delight the eye, stir our souls, bond our spirits to one another and deepen our experience of God.
The artist’s eye. The writer’s pen. The musician’s ear. The dancer’s gesture. The potter’s skilled hands. Creations of art that subtly and allusively, or provocatively and daringly challenge our minds and inspire our souls to continually seek for God’s presence in God’s world- and in our lives- these are but some of the gifts that the Fine Arts programs of The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill seeks to lift up and offer to those seeking to expand the depth and breadth of their experience of the Almighty.
The Mander organ, from its whispering strings to its jubilant trumpets, leads us in traditional and stimulating Reformed services of worship, with our Gallery Choir of committed singers from all walks of life.
Unparalleled performances of the latest choral music sung by the remarkable choral ensemble, The Crossing; sounds of strings and winds form the Renaissance band, Piffaro, and the highly acclaimed ensemble Tempeste de Mare, bring people into the sanctuary from all walks of life and a plethora of faith traditions. The voices of one-hundred and fifty girls in the Pennsylvania Girlchoir fill the halls of the church each week with ongoing rehearsals and bring well over one thousand people into the sanctuary for several concerts each year.
The Fine Arts programs at The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill strives to be a source of excellence and inspiration for people from all walks of life seeking to be inspired, moved, healed, challenged and comforted. We welcome you with open arms!