The Church Gathered
At the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill, we offer a dynamic program for involvement and fellowship:
Theology on Tap
In the spirit of Martin Luther, we gather at a local haunt for some home-brewed beer and theological discussion! We do this on the third Tuesday of every month, beginning in September and ending in June. Open to all ages (21+ of course), we enjoy two hours of fellowship over drinks, as we explore the mysteries of scripture and of faith. Always an enlightening endeavor, we have been known to discuss questions of Theodicy, Gender-Inclusivity, the Historical Jesus, Creationism vs. Science (and if they must always be exclusive of each other), and Symbolism in Scripture.
Senior Adult Events and Visitations
Senior Adults in our congregation are specifically cared for by the Deacons. It is the focus of our ministry to ensure that every Senior Adult is personally cared for; receiving visitations from both our deacons and director, exposing the oldest of our members to the hospitality of Christian Love. These members enjoy hour-long conversations throughout the year, either at their home or out for lunch. If you would like a visitation, please contact info@chestnuthillpres.org